Asosiy - Products & Solutions for Enterprises - Telephony and videoconferencing - Equipment ProAV - Cypress - System for BYOD Collaboration Hyshare Pro WPS-HP201

Cypress System for BYOD Collaboration Hyshare Pro WPS-HP201

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Texnik xususiyatlari Cypress System for BYOD Collaboration Hyshare Pro WPS-HP201:
Asosiy parametrlar
Parametrlarning to'liq ro'yxati
Type cистема BYOD
Передача сигнала Wi-Fi
Разрешение выходного сигнала 3840x2160 /при 30 Гц
Входы HDMI
1xUSB-A /2.0
1x 3.5mm Stereo mini-jack
1xUSB 3.0
1 x USB Type-C /3.0
Type cистема BYOD
Передача сигнала Wi-Fi
Разрешение выходного сигнала 3840x2160 /при 30 Гц
Входы HDMI
1xUSB-A /2.0
1x 3.5mm Stereo mini-jack
1xUSB 3.0
1 x USB Type-C /3.0
Особенности совместимость с iOS, Android, Windows и macOS
поддержка многомониторного режима
режим управления отображаемым экраном
поддержка инструментов для совместной работы
  • Highly compatible with Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. 
  • Support collaboration tools, including screen capture, annotation, and whiteboard.
  • Browser sharing via Chrome or Edge.
  • Remote view the main screen with own devices under the same intranet. 
  • Touchback to control the laptop from the display. 
  • Support multi-view and multi-sharing.
  • Moderation mode manages the displayed screen.

Hyshare Pro provides a user-friendly interface, just launch the Hyshare Pro App, then the users can start a presentation instantly. Hyshare Pro supports cross-platform collaboration and communication, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS systems.

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