Akko Swithes set Akko CS Ocean Blue (45pcs/pack)

tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_AOB
Texnik xususiyatlari Akko Swithes set Akko CS Ocean Blue (45pcs/pack):
Asosiy parametrlar
Parametrlarning to'liq ro'yxati
Type набор механических переключателей
Colour blue
Key Features
Type набор механических переключателей
Quantity 45 pcs
Colour blue
Qadoqlash, o'rash parametri
Eni, kengligi 240 mm
Balandligi 30 mm
Uzunligi 130 mm
Og'irligi 0.25 kg
Hajmi 0.0009 m3
Kafolat 12 oy
Ocean blue is a tactile switch with a high tactile position. Users shall start to feel the tactile bump at 0.5mm with a continued feedback all the way down to 1.8mm. It is thus different from conventional brown/blue switches with medium tactile position.
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