Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer peripherals - Keyboards - 2E Gaming - Keyboard KG380 RGB 68key Gateron Red Switch BT/USB White Ukr

2E Gaming Keyboard KG380 RGB 68key Gateron Red Switch BT/USB White Ukr

tovar kodi: 2E-KG380UWT-RD
A versatile compact mechanical keyboard for those looking for quietness and concentration, maximum attention and soft smooth operation. For use both at home and in the office, where quiet switches will not create unnecessary noise for colleagues. Can be used wirelessly and wired, and thanks to keyboard shortcuts and proprietary software will be equally effective for gaming, work, and learning.
759000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E Gaming Keyboard KG380 RGB 68key Gateron Red Switch BT/USB White Ukr:
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