Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer peripherals - Keyboards - 2E Gaming - Keyboard KG370 RGB 68key Gateron Blue Switch USB White Ukr

2E Gaming Keyboard KG370 RGB 68key Gateron Blue Switch USB White Ukr

tovar kodi: 2E-KG370UWT-BL
A compact mechanical keyboard for those who want speed, work a lot with texts and are not used to silence while playing or working. Full functionality for performing a wide variety of tasks, striking design, extreme reliability are complemented by powerful software, which significantly expands the capabilities of the keyboard.
699000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E Gaming Keyboard KG370 RGB 68key Gateron Blue Switch USB White Ukr:
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