Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer peripherals - Keyboards - Keychron - K8 Aluminum Frame 87 keys, Gateron Red, Hot-Swap, RGB, BLACK

Keychron K8 Aluminum Frame 87 keys, Gateron Red, Hot-Swap, RGB, BLACK

tovar kodi: K8J1_KEYCHRON
Engineered to maximize your productivity with most popular TKL layout. The hot-swappable option on Optical and Mechanical switches offers the freedom to easily personalize your typing experience without soldering.
1219000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish Keychron K8 Aluminum Frame 87 keys, Gateron Red, Hot-Swap, RGB, BLACK:
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