Keychron Кейкапи K2 OEM PBT Keycap set 84шт, Retro

tovar kodi: KP1_KEYCHRON
Inspired by the best keyboard Apple ever made. This Keychron K2 Keycap Set is crafted to honor the retro aesthetics and stands out from the crowd in a unique way. Never go out of style with a timeless colorway and classic italic legends. Engineered with dye sublimated legends set to last for decades like the legendary Apple Extended Keyboard. Not to mention the subtle feeling that you can’t find elsewhere, but on PBT keycaps.
279000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish Keychron Кейкапи K2 OEM PBT Keycap set 84шт, Retro:
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