Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer components - Cases - 2E Gaming - PC case Contego Neo GW05 without PSU, 2xUSB3.0, 1xUSBType-C, 2x200mm ARGB, 3x120mm ARGB, VGA 380mm, LCS ready, controller with remote, TG Side Panel, EATX, black

2E Gaming PC case Contego Neo GW05 without PSU, 2xUSB3.0, 1xUSBType-C, 2x200mm ARGB, 3x120mm ARGB, VGA 380mm, LCS ready, controller with remote, TG Side Panel, EATX, black

tovar kodi: 2E-GW05
2E Gaming CONTEGO is a giant with two 200mm ARGB fans on the front, reminiscent of aircraft turbines, to create a powerful gaming station or workstation based on modern equipment.
1009000 so'm*
mavjud emas
* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E Gaming PC case Contego Neo GW05 without PSU, 2xUSB3.0, 1xUSBType-C, 2x200mm ARGB, 3x120mm ARGB, VGA 380mm, LCS ready, controller with remote, TG Side Panel, EATX, black:
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