2E CH12 On-Ear [2E-CH12MU]

tovar kodi: 2E-CH12MU
The best solution for home and office - lightweight and comfortable 2E stereo headset. Convenient design with a great high-quality sound. The construction of this stereo headset includes a high-sensitive, foldable microphone, adjustable headband, smart volume controller on the wire, and soft ear cushions. It has everything you need for comfortable whole day usage. Its lightness and compactness, allow you to take it wherever you go. The 2E headset will be an indispensable tool for long-hour video calls, intensive gaming experience, and listening to music.
169000 so'm*
mavjud emas
* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E CH12 On-Ear [2E-CH12MU]:
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