Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Media tablets - Graphic Tablets - Huion - Графічний планшет Huion Inspiroy Keydial KD200 Bluetooth 5.0

Графічний планшет Huion Inspiroy Keydial KD200 Bluetooth 5.0

tovar kodi: KD200_HUION
The first Bluetooth 5.0 pen tablet in the industry that creatively combines the pen tablet with a keyboard and dial controller. Inspiroy Keydial KD200 is the first pen tablet in the industry that combines a graphics tablet and a keyboard besides the dial controller and 5 programmable pres keys, which can effectively improve your productivity. It also supports Bluetooth 5.0 wireless connection and fast-charging to make your work more convenient.
2549000 so'm*
* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
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