2E Lavalier microphone Maono by 2Е ML010

tovar kodi: 2E-ML010
A portable solution for all your audio and video recording needs. This microphone is extremely light and compact. A convenient metal clip allows attaching the microphone to clothing or interior items, so that it remains virtually invisible. Compatible with many devices, ideal for use with DSLRs and system cameras, smartphones, and PCs. There are two modes of operation - with activation (for cameras/PC) and without activation of the built-in sound card (for smartphone/laptop).
199000 so'm*
* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E Lavalier microphone Maono by 2Е ML010:
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Havolani tavsiflash
Yulduzcha bilan belgilangan barcha maydonlar to'ldirilishi shart
\u0022Yuborish\u0022 tugmachasini bosish orqali siz shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlashga ruxsat berasiz
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