Dell Inspiron 5490 [I54712S3NDL-71S]

tovar kodi: I54712S3NDL-71S
Type: laptop; Screen size: 14 "; Screen resolution: 1920x1080; Matrix type: WVA; CPU: Intel Core i7 10510U ; Number of processor cores: 4; Clock frequency: 1.8 GHz; Type of memory: DDR 4; RAM: 12 GB; Type of graphics card: integrated; Video card: Intel UHD Graphics Type of drive: SSD; USB 2.0: 1 pc; Color: gray; Weight: 1.42 kg;
11289000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish Dell Inspiron 5490 [I54712S3NDL-71S]:
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