Asosiy - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer peripherals - Keyboards - 2E Gaming - Membrane keyboard KG310 104key, USB-A, EN/UA/RU, LED, black

2E Gaming Membrane keyboard KG310 104key, USB-A, EN/UA/RU, LED, black

tovar kodi: 2E-KG310UB
The 2E Gaming Keyboard KG310 is designed for beginner gamers and for those who wants to have the comfort of long-term typing. The non-removable wrist rest will reduce the load on the wrist, the color LED backlight with laser engraving will add comfort when working in low light conditions. Membrane type with a quiet key stroke will give a pleasant feeling of working at the keyboard without unnecessary annoying sounds to others.
139000 so'm*
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* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E Gaming Membrane keyboard KG310 104key, USB-A, EN/UA/RU, LED, black:
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