2E S9 WiSport [2E-IES9WBL]

tovar kodi: 2E-IES9WBL
Waterproof, shock-resistant wireless headphones with an aluminum alloy body. Magnetic latching of inserts provide comfortable use. Headphones have inserts with 45° tilt and are equipped with silicone ear cushions and ear hooks in three sizes. The battery life is 7 hours, the safety level is IPX4, and Bluetooth 4.2+EDR is used for connection.
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Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish 2E S9 WiSport [2E-IES9WBL]:
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\u0022Yuborish\u0022 tugmachasini bosish orqali siz shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlashga ruxsat berasiz
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