Asosiy - Home Appliances, Tools and Household Goods - Kitchen Appliances - Kitchen appliances for making drinks - Juicers - ARDESTO - auger juicer, 200W, bowl-0.6L, cake-0.6L, plastic/iron, silver-black

ARDESTO auger juicer, 200W, bowl-0.6L, cake-0.6L, plastic/iron, silver-black

tovar kodi: JEG-1330S
Masticating juicer for juicing a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, berries and even greens and nuts. Low speed juicing technology provides maximum extraction of nutrients without oxidation, with a minimum of waste and pulp. The compact size and thoughtful design provide easy and quick cleaning without unnecessary effort.
1069000 so'm*
* Tavsiya etilgan chakana narxi
Uchun havolani qo'shimcha qilish ARDESTO auger juicer, 200W, bowl-0.6L, cake-0.6L, plastic/iron, silver-black:
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