…dan - …gacha
Ishlab chiqaruvchi
Mixer tap type
Type of installation
Faucets47 tovar topildi:
Faucets47 tovar topildi:
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  • arzondian qimmatiga
  • qimmatidan arzoniga
  • yangi tovarlar
  • ommaboplari
  • kutilmoqda
tovar kodi: BQT_063M
2309000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 22.5 cm; Mounting method: стоячий;
tovar kodi: BQT_D63M
2869000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 22.5 cm; Mounting method: стоячий;
tovar kodi: BCA_061M
1339000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: складной; Length of sink: 18.4 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BQS_Z73M
2879000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout, swivel spout; Length of sink: 23.3 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BQS_073M
2209000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout, swivel spout; Length of sink: 23.3 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BGB_W720
2039000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout; Length of sink: 20 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BGB_072M
2339000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout; Length of sink: 21.2 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BCA_064M
2039000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BEU_W62M
1099000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BDH_B720
1739000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout, swivel spout;
tovar kodi: BGJ_N10M
1479000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for bathroom; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Mounting method: on the wall;
tovar kodi: BFC_010M
1269000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for bathroom; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: stationary; Length of sink: 16.5 cm; Mounting method: on the wall;
tovar kodi: BEN_262M
1019000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 18 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BEN_762M
889000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 18 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BEU_S62M
1109000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 18.5 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BEU_B62M
1099000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 18.5 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BDH_072M
1719000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 22.9 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BGB_B720
2039000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 20 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BCH_N64M
2189000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 18 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
tovar kodi: BGA_063M
1059000 so'm*
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 19.8 cm; Mounting method: на мойку;
tovar kodi: BDH_A72M
1889000 so'm*
mavjud emas
Корпус смесителя выполнен из высококачественной латуни. Смеситель оснащен аэратором для аэрации струи. Смеситель имеет функциональный выдвижной носик. 2-функциональный излив. В комплекте идут соединительные шланги. Класс расхода (4-9 л/мин) позволяет снизить потребление воды. Смеситель оснащен обратными клапанами, чтобы предотвратить возврат смешанной воды в систему. Используются только лучшие материалы, качество которых подтверждается исследованиями в лаборатории.
tovar kodi: BQS_B730
2739000 so'm*
mavjud emas
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: pull spout, swivel spout; Length of sink: 23.2 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface;
tovar kodi: BCH_065M
1659000 so'm*
mavjud emas
Type: mixer tap; Function: for the kitchen sink; Type of mixer tap: single-lever; Type of sink: swivel spout; Length of sink: 21.6 cm; Mounting method: on horizontal surface, на мойку;
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