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Mechanical switches and keycaps6 tovar topildi:
Mechanical switches and keycaps6 tovar topildi:
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tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_ALP
239000 so'm*
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Swithes set Akko CS Lavender Purple (45pcs/pack)
tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_AMG
239000 so'm*
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Swithes set Akko CS Matcha Green (45pcs/pack)
tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_AOB
239000 so'm*
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Ocean blue is a tactile switch with a high tactile position. Users shall start to feel the tactile bump at 0.5mm with a continued feedback all the way down to 1.8mm. It is thus different from conventional brown/blue switches with medium tactile position.
tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_ARR
209000 so'm*
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Radiant Red comes with a heavier actuation force of 53gf yet smooth typing feelings with a shorter total travel of 3.5mm. It is a great option for users who prefer relatively heavy switches for gaming.
tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_ARO
209000 so'm*
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Type: набор механических переключателей;
tovar kodi: ASWITCHES_AVW
219000 so'm*
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Vintage white comes with an extremely light actuation force of 35g with 22mm extension spring. Despite the quick actuation, it comes with a decent level of feedback and is suitable for long hours of typing.
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