…dan - …gacha
Ishlab chiqaruvchi
Form factor
Для процессоров
Чипсет (Северный мост)
Max. Memory Capacity (GB)
DDR connector type
Количество слотов памяти
Graphical user interface
Интерфейс подключения
Motherboards51 tovar topildi:
saralash rejimi
  • arzondian qimmatiga
  • qimmatidan arzoniga
  • yangi tovarlar
  • ommaboplari
  • kutilmoqda
tovar kodi: B450_TOMAHAWK_MAX
1109000 so'm*
mavjud emas
MSI motherboards feature tons of convenient and smart design, such as convenient pin-header keep out zone, friendly SATA & USB location and so on, so DIY users can pick and choose any gaming rig they want.
tovar kodi: B450_GAMING_PLUS_MAX
1019000 so'm*
mavjud emas
Direction: for home/office; Socket: AM4; Form factor: ATX; Number of sockets: 1; North bridge (chipset): AMD B450; Maximum amount of memory: 64 GB; Sound: 7.1; Support software RAID: +; USB 2.0: 6 pcs; PS/2: 1 pcs; Dimensions (HxW): 305 x 244;
tovar kodi: X470_GAMING_PLUS_MAX
1709000 so'm*
mavjud emas
MSI motherboards feature tons of convenient and smart design, such as convenient pin-header keep out zone, friendly SATA & USB location and so on, so DIY users can pick and choose any gaming rig they want.
Tovarlar katalogi
Tovarlar katalogi