Update of the CHIEFTEC+CHIEFTRONIC Y2023 sales manual and product catalog

Home News Update of the CHIEFTEC+CHIEFTRONIC Y2023 sales manual and product catalog

In order to simplify the selection of necessary components for a PC, we suggest to use updated CHIEFTEC+CHIEFTRONIC 2023 sales manual and product catalog.

The manual is completely MODULAR, so the user can choose necessary slides and group them according to different sales tools, such as:

  • What are power units and why are they needed
  • New ATX 3.0 standard and PCIe GEN 5.0 12VHPWR support
  • Brief overview of products
  • Key specifications
  • Research and development department
  • Quality control procedure

You can download the updated versions of the files at the following links: Сhieftec_PSU_Salesguide_2023 and Product_Сatalogue_2023

Please feel free to use them and pass to your colleagues. All information is in public access.

Products catalog
Products catalog