…dan - …gacha
Ishlab chiqaruvchi
Design cabinets
Maximal load
Material of tables
Supports and mounts2 tovar topildi:
Supports and mounts2 tovar topildi:
saralash rejimi
  • arzondian qimmatiga
  • qimmatidan arzoniga
  • yangi tovarlar
  • ommaboplari
  • kutilmoqda
tovar kodi: 482-BBCY
mavjud emas
Экономя пространство, подставка для двойных мониторов Dell – MDS19 крепит до двух 27-дюймовых мониторов, обеспечивая экран, необходимый для максимально производительной работы.
tovar kodi: 482-BBDJ
1899000 so'm*
mavjud emas
Enjoy a virtually tool-free assembly and easy installation with this Dell Single Monitor Arm – MSA20. Dell Quick Release lets you snap on the Dell UltraSharp or P-series monitor onto the arm simply without tools. In addition, you can enjoy complete system mounting options with select Dell OptiPlex Micro, Ultra and Wyse systems along with the monitor to create a tidy desk.
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